
Automatyzacja, obejmująca zarówno sam wydruk, jak i cały proces etykietowania, może mieć zastosowanie na różnych szczeblach produkcji. Filozofia Print&Apply dotyczy bowiem różnych typów urządzeń. Wszystkie cechuje nie tylko wysoka wydajność, ale i łatwość w obsłudze oraz niezawodność.Jako IBCS Poland jesteśmy jedynymi  w Polsce przedstawicielami firmy Cobalt,

Nexus 20 Dual-Side Pallet

Nexus 20 Dual-Side is a basic device for applying labels on two sides of the palette. It can print and apply 2 labels up to A5 in size on two adjacent sides of the pallet without having to stop it. Fast throughput means that it can

Nexus 20 Three Side Pallet

Nexus 20 Three Side Pallet is an intelligent 3-sided label application system. This applicator was developed for those who need a flexible system for labeling pallets on opposite sides, and sometimes for labeling on 3 sides to support warehouse operations. The applicator prints and applies e.g.

Nexus 20 Dual Action Case

Nexus 20 Dual Action Case applicator is used to print and apply labels on boxes, cardboard packaging, etc. Labels with identical or different value can be applied to the front, side or side and front.

Nexus 20 High Speed Linear

Nexus 20 High Speed Linear is a fast linear applicator. Thanks to the guaranteed barcode verification, this line applicator ensures peace in production management. It applies labels at a speed of 80 packs per minute. We can use them to label packages, products in heat-shrinkable packaging,

Nexus Electric

Nexus Electric is a fully electric applicator that does not require the use of compressed air. It can be used to apply labels to heat-shrinkable packaging as well as to others. Nexus Electric machine is very accurate. It enables real-time labeling without the need for speed

Nexus Drum

Nexus Drum applicator can be used to apply labels to plastic canisters, cylindrical containers and other similar packaging. It can print multiple labels and apply them quickly. Ideally suited for applying large GHS labels to curved surfaces.

Nexus Contact

Nexus Contact applicator ensures fast and flexible application of labels. It allows synchronizing the speed of applying the label with the products to which it is applied. For use on high speed lines. Low maintenance costs and solid construction ensure excellent return on investment.

Nexus Pivot

Nexus Pivot is a fast label applicator for application on the front of packaging. Provides labeling at up to 80 packs per minute.

Nexus Prime

Nexus Prime is an applicator that only applies labels without printing them. Pre-printed labels are placed on the device. Prime device guarantees low maintenance costs. Prime has a 3-year warranty.

Cobalt Continuous Operation Systems

Cobalt Continuous Operation Systems solution was created to eliminate downtime associated with label refilling or system maintenance. In the long run, it avoids unnecessary disruptions and loss of income. Cobalt Continuous Operation Systems is a dynamic labeling system where two or three devices work in alternation